LAM Sites in the cloud and at home in Alaska.
LAM Sites in the cloud and at home in Alaska.
These sites use Dynamic Domain Name Services to allow servers that get
a dynamically assigned IP Address to "check in" as the server for sets
of virtual hosts.
The DuckDNS service I use currently (in 2024) only partially supports IPv6. The service allows IPv6 addresses to be set but updates are accepted only from an IPv4 interface. The DNS A records for IPv4 addresses and the DNS AAAA records for IPv6 addresses can be set to point to different servers. Most dual stack implementations by default use an IPv6 if present for a domain name and revert to IPv4 communications only when IPv6 is not available.
This domain name points to the main server instance in my Virtual Private Cloud. For the foreseeable future this will be a dual stack instance with both IPv4 and IPv6 public internet addresses.
- Linux Apache MariaDB in the cloud.
This domain name points to the main testing instance. Upgrades and changes to the aws server are tested before being applied to the main server instance. When not used for testing this domain name points to the main server instance in my Virtual Private Cloud.
This domain name is a second for testing. Alternate Operating Systems are tested using this domain name which is used in less CNAME DNS records. Since 2024 when AWS started charging hourly for a public IPv4 address as much as a nano instance most of my test instances have only an IPv6 public address costing me half as much as a dual stack instance.
The lam2 Instance to be a SSH SOCKS5 Proxy server on port 443 cannot serve https: on the standard port becasue that is used as an alternate ssh port. Port 443 is normally used for HTTPS so is likely to be available even when other ports are blocked. I run this instance only when I find my ssh access blocked when using someone else's WiFi such as from the laptop at a hotel or for testing.
AWS S3 in the cloud as a custom domain name static website.
A static website in Europe
Some static GitHub Pages websites
- Linux Apache MariaDB at home in Alaska.
This domain name points to my LAN at home in Alaska. Port Forwarding on the router supplied by my ISP allows me to direct traffic for a port to a specific server on the LAN. The router provided by my ISP currently provides only an IPv4 address for the external interface and only IPv4 addresses on the LAN.
The http and https traffic from the internet is directed by
port forwarding to the ak20 server. Other machines on the
local area network can be accessed by machines on my Alaska LAN
or via a ssh proxy using a machine on the LAN.
This domain name is used for a second server instance in my Virtual Private Cloud. In 2024 this second instance handles IPv6 traffic only.
One server, many virtual hosts
Each server may serve many virtual hosts through a variety of means. Multiple domains may be configured so that almost all subdomains point to the same address.
3 visits (3 today, 3 this week, 3 this
month, 3 this year)
Uptime: 13:37:51 up 11 days, 1:01, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
2600:1f28:365:80b0:a810:d114:d1bf:40ca GET from server
Monday, February 17, 2025 @ 1:37:51 PM